Institute of Mathematics
Lodz University of Technology

International Meetings on Differential Equations and Their Applications

International Meetings on Differential Equations and Their Applications

International Meetings on Differential Equations and Their Applications


Mathematics is concerned with developing concepts, structures and methods that can be useful in natural sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology, engineering, as well as in social sciences and medicine. Mathematicians look for harmony and elegance in mathematics itself but also in its applications. In this way, we hope to understand our world better and contribute to its betterment.

In the Institute, we nurture the diversity of research, pursuing both pure and applied topics in collaboration with many Polish and international scientists. A significant part of our activities is concerned with education. We offer a broad range of courses at BSc, MSc and PhD levels which equip our graduates with essential skills enabling them to take any challenge in academic and industrial environments.


The Institute of Mathematics is one of three divisions of the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics of the Lodz University of Technology.



associated and full professors
assistant professors and lecturers