Institute of Mathematics
Lodz University of Technology

Actuarial Mathematics Student Research Group (AMSRG) was established in 2007 at Lodz University of Technology. It is the association of people interested in applications of Mathematics, especially in economics, financial markets, stock market, insurance, information science and others.

Currently, the group consists of two sections: Financial Mathematics and Financial and Insurance Mathematics. The members of the group develop their scientific interests by participating in courses, seminars, lectures and laboratories related to the each section’s subjects.

One of the biggest challenge, and the chance at the same time, for the group members is preparing to actuarial exams. Passing the exams allows one to become an actuary which is one of the most prestigious profession in Poland and in the world.

The members of AMSRG also take part in conferences organized by other student research groups and in seminars and lectures given by professors visiting Lodz University of Technology.

One of the activities of the group is promotion of Mathematics among the secondary school students. We organize Prof. Krysicki Competition "In the World of Mathematics". The participants of the contest can show their mathematical knowledge, prove skills, gain experience and win valuable prizes.

Being a member of AMSRG is not only the chance of broadening the knowledge. It is also an opportunity to gain experience in organizing events, work as a team member and share interests. That is why our members regularly win scholarships and grants, e.g. the scholarships of Minister of Science and Higher Education, the program "Mlodzi w Lodzi" and many others.

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