W spisie zamieszczone zostały wszystkie publikacje pracowników IM, posiadające afiliację PŁ i bez afiliacji PŁ.
2023-2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974- Wojciech Kryszewski, Topological structure of solution sets of differential inclusions: the constrained case, Abstr. Appl. Anal., 6 (2003), 325-351
- Marek Galewski, New variational principle and duality for an abstract semilinear Dirichlet problem, Ann. Pol. Math., 82 (2003), 51-60
- Jacek Banasiak, M. Lachowicz, M. Moszyński, Topological chaos: when topology meets medicine, Appl. Math.Letters, 16 (2003), 303-308, JCR
- Jacek Jachymski, General solutions of two functional inequalities and converses to contraction theorems, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math., 51 (2003), 2003
- Marek Kałuszka, Mean-variance optimal local reinsurance arrangements, Control and Cybernetics, 32 (2003), 884-896, JCR
- Marek Galewski, A note on a Fenchel-Young type conjugacy for convexifiable functions, Control Cybernet., 32 (2003), 377-381, JCR
- Jan Kubarski, Alexandr S. Mishchenko, On signature of transitive unimodular Lie algebroids, Doklady Mathematical Sciences, 65 (2003), 166-169
- Urszula Ledzewicz, H. Schättler, A. Swierniak, Optimal control for a class of compartmental models in cancer chemotherapy, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 13 (3) (2003), 357-368
- Piotr Fijałkowski, Bogdan Przeradzki, On a boundary value problem for a nonlocal elliptic equation, J. Appl. Anal., 9 (2003), 201-209
- Marek Galewski, On a certain generalization of the Krasnosel’skii theorem, J. Appl. Anal., 9 (2003), 139-147
- Marek Balcerzak, J. Rzepecka, On Marczewski-Burstin representations of algebras and ideals, J. Appl. Anal., 9 (2003), 275-286
- Roman Kadobianski, Jan Kubarski, Vitalij Kushnirevitch, Robert Wolak, Transitive Lie algebroids of rank 1 and locally conformal symplectic structures, J. Geom. Phys., 46 (2003), 151-158, JCR
- Jacek Banasiak, W. Lamb, On the application of the substochastic semigroup theory to fragmentation models with mass loss, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 284 (2003), 9-30, JCR
- Bogdan Przeradzki, Travelling waves for reaction-diffusion equations with time depending nonlinearities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 281 (2003), 164-170, JCR
- Lesław Gajek, Andrzej Okolewski, Projection bounds on expectations of record statistics from restricted families, J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 110 (2003), 97-108, JCR
- Piotr Liczberski, Linearly invariant families of holomorphic mappings in Cⁿ . Transitions to other dimensions, J.Appl. Anal., 9 (2003), 237-248
- Piotr Liczberski, Applications of a decomposition of holomorphic mappings in Cⁿ with respect to a cyclic group, J.Math. Anal. Appl., 281 (2003), 282-292, JCR
- Anna Dębińska-Nagórska, Andrzej Just, Zdzisław Stempień, An approach to the optimization and approximation of solutions of any operator inclusion, Journal of Global Optimization, 26 (2003), 221-227
- Jan Kubarski, Alexandr S. Mishchenko, Lie Algebroids: Spectral Sequences and Signature, Matem. Sbornik, 194 (2003), 127-154
- Jacek Banasiak, On well-posedness of a Boltzmann like semiconductor model, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 13 (2003), 875-892, JCR
- Marek Kałuszka, Andrzej Okolewski, Sharp exponential and entropy bounds on expectations of generalized order statistics, Metrika, 58 (2003), 159-171, JCR
- Jacek Jachymski, Converses to fixed point theorems of Zermelo and Caristi, Nonlinear Anal., 52 (2003), 1455-1463, JCR
- Bader Ralf, Wojciech Kryszewski, On the solution sets of differential inclusions and the periodic problem in Banach spaces, Nonlinear Anal., 54 (4) (2003), 707-754, JCR
- Marek Galewski, On a Fenchel-Young type conjugacy for invex functions, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimization, 24 (2003), 59-66, JCR
- Andrzej Just, Existence theorems and Galerkin approximation for non-linear evolution control problems, Optimization, 52(3) (2003), 287-300
- Wojciech Kryszewski, Topological structure of solution sets of differential inclusions: the constrained case, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fixed-Point Theory and its Applications, Hindawi Publ. Corp, Cairo (2003), 325-351
- Marek Balcerzak, E. Kotlicka, Steinhaus property for products of ideals, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 63 (2003), 235-248, JCR
- Jacek Banasiak, M. Groppi, Solvability of linear kinetic equations with multi-energetic inelastic scattering, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 52 (2003), 235-253, JCR
- Małgorzata Filipczak, Tomasz Filipczak, Remarks on f-density, Reports on Real Analysis Conference at Rowy 2003, (2003), 59-66
- Aleksander Maliszewski, Piotr Sworowski, Uniform convergence theorem for the H₁-integral revisited, Taiwanese J.Math., 7 (2003), 503-505, JCR
- Piotr Fijałkowski, Bogdan Przeradzki, On a radial positive solution to a nonlocal elliptic equation, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 21 (2003), 293-300, JCR
- Piotr Liczberski, V.Starkov, Linearly invariant families of holomorphic mappings of a ball. Transition to higher dimensions, Tr. Petrozavodsk. Gos. Univ. Ser. Mat., 10 (2003), 3-17
- Jacek Banasiak, Multiple solutions to linear kinetic equations, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 38 (2003), 381-398, JCR
- Bogdan Przeradzki, Teoria i praktyka równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych, Wyd. U. Ł., Łódź, 2003