W spisie zamieszczone zostały wszystkie publikacje pracowników IM, posiadające afiliację PŁ i bez afiliacji PŁ.
2023-2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974- Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schaettler, On modeling the synergy of cancer immunotherapy and radiotherapy, Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, (100 pkt.), Vol.118,April 2023 (2023),
- Michał Boczek, O. Hutnik, Marek Kałuszka, M. Kleinova, Generalized level measure based on a family of conditional aggregation operators, Fuzzy Sets and Systems (140 pkt.), 457 (2023), 180-196
- Michał Boczek, Marek Kałuszka, On the extended Choquet-Sugeno-like operator, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (140 pkt.), 154 (2023), 48-55
- Jacek Stańdo, Żywilla Fechner, Agnieszka Gmitrowicz, Karl Andriessen, Karolina Krysinska, Adam Czabański, Increase in Search Interest for “Suicide” and “Depression” for Particular Days of the Week and Times of Day: Analysis Based on Google Trends, Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (140 pkt.), 12 (2023), no. 1: 191
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Christian Pötzsche, Monotonicity and discretization of Hammerstein integrodifference equations, Journal of Computational Dynamics (100 pkt), 10 (1) (2023), 223-247
- Noé de Rancourt, Tomasz Kania, Jarosław Swaczyna, Continuity of coordinate functionals of filter bases in Banach spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis (140 pkt.), Volume 284, Issue 9 (2023), 109869, ISSN 0022-1236
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Christian Pötzsche, Positivity and discretization of Fredholm integral operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application (70 pkt.), 524(1) (2023), art. 127137
- Hans Otmer, Yuan Lou, Pilip Maini, Urszula Ledzewicz, Introduction to the Special Collection in honor of Avner Friedman, Journal of Mathematical Biology,, 2023
- Jacek Jachymski, Continuous dependence of fixed points on parameters, remetrization theorems, and an application to the initial value problem, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (100 pkt.), DOI 10.1002/mma.8852 (2023),
- Jacek Stańdo, Przemysław Żebrok, Żywilla Fechner, Tomasz Kopiczko, John Paul II and the Family—The Role of Authority Figures in the Lives of Young Poles, Religions (100 pkt.), 14 (2023), no. 1: 55
- Marek Balcerzak, Jacek Hejduk, Artur Wachowicz, Baire Category Lower Density Operators with Borel Values, Results in Mathematics (100 pkt.), 78:2 (2023), no,1, Paper No 2
- Jacek Jachymski, Metric compactness criteria involving sequences of mappings and a proof of the Ascoli-Arzelà theorem with the use of Bernstein polynomials, Results in Mathematics (100 pkt.), 78 (2023) (2023), no. 2, Paper No. 61
- Marek Balcerzak, Szymon Głąb, Paolo Leonetti, Another characterization of meager ideals, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas (100 pkt.), 117: 90 (2023),
- Michał Bełdzinski, Marek Galewski, Witold Majdak, On the nonlinear perturbations of self-adjoint operators, Adv. Nonlinear Anal. (100 pkt.), 11 no.1 (2022), 1117–1133
- Żywilla Fechner, Eszter Gselmann, László Székelyhidi, Moment functions of higher rank on polynomial hypergroups, Adv. Oper. Theory ( 20 pkt.), 7,41 (2022),
- Renata Długosz, Piotr Liczberski, Fekete Szego problem for Bavrins functions and close-to-starlike mappings in C^n, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 12 (100 pkt.), paper No 103 (2022), pages 16
- Bartłomiej Kluczyński, Extended Solow-Swan model for capital and natural resources with the Allee effect., Appl. Math. (Warsaw) 49 (20pkt.), no.1 (2022), 59-77
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Christian Pötzsche, Monotonicity and discretization of Urysohn integral operators, Applied Mathematics and Computation (100 pkt.), 414, art. 126686 (2022),
- Josef Diblík, Marek Galewski, Existence of solutions in cones to delayed higher-order differential equations, Applied Mathematics Letters (100 pkt.), vol. 130 (2022),
- Krzysztof Leśniak, Nina Snigireva, Filip Strobin, Rate of convergence in the disjunctive chaos game algorithm, Chaos (140pkt.), 32 no. 1 (2022), Paper No. 013110, 9pp
- Renata Długosz, Piotr Liczberski, Bavrin's families of holomorphic functions of several complex variables, past and present, Chapter in monograph: Current Research in Mathematical and Computer Sciences III, eds.: A. Lecko, D.K. Thomas, Publisher UWM Olsztyn (20pkt),, ISBN 978-83-8100-332-2 (2022), 99-115
- Renata Długosz, Piotr Liczberski, On an Application of Jack's Lemma, starlikeness and k-fold symmetry in C^n,, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (70 pkt.), vol. 16, paper No 93 (2022), pages 11
- Urszula Ledzewicz, H.Schaettler, Pitfalls in applying optimal control to dynamical systems: An overview and editorial perspective, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, series B (100 pkt.), 27(11) (2022), pp. 6711-6722
- Jacek Stańdo, Błażej Torzyk, Krzysztof Tomalczyk, Anna Tyl, Żywilla Fechner, Alicja Bortnik, Iwona Krawczyk-Kłys, Wspieranie osiągania efektów uczenia się z zastosowaniem nowoczesnych technologii informacyjnych w kształceniu zawodowym, Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych (Polish) Journal of Continuing Education (40pkt.), 2/2022 (2022), 67-81
- Filip Pietrusiak, Renata Wieteska, Przemysław Gordinowicz, On the Solvability of the Discrete s(x, ·)-Laplacian Problems on Simple, Connected, Undirected, Weighted, and Finite Graphs, Entropy (100pkt.), 24 (2022) (2022), art. 1353
- Jacek Banasiak, Adam Błoch, Telegraph Systems On Networks And Port-Hamiltonians. III. Explicit Reprezentation And Long-Term Behaviour, Evolution Equations And Control Theory (70pkt.), Vol.11, No. 6 (2022), pp. 2165-2181
- Jacek Banasiak, Adam Błoch, Telegraph systems on networks and port-Hamiltonians. I. Boundary conditions and well-posedness, Evolution Equations and Control Theory (70 pkt.), Vol.11,NO.4 (2022), pp. 1331-1355
- Renata Długosz, Piotr Liczberski, Agnieszka Sibelska, Edyta Trybucka, Some Propositonerties of a Bavrin’s Family of Holomorphic Functions in C^n, Filomat (40 pkt.), 36 (2022), 2073-2082
- Żywilla Fechner, Eszter Gselmann, László Székelyhidi, Spectral synthesis via moment functions on hypergroups, Forum Mathematicum (100 pkt.), vol.34,no 5 (2022), pp. 1187--1197
- Michał Baczyński, Włodzimierz Fechner, Sebastia Massanet, On a generalization of multiplicative Sincov’s equation for fuzzy implication functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems (140 pkt.), 451 (2022), 196–205
- Michał Boczek, Ondrej Hutník, Marek Kałuszka, On Prékopa-Leindler type inequality for Sugeno integral, Fuzzy Sets and Systems (140 pkt.), 430 (2022), 114-125
- Michał Boczek, Anton Hovana, Marek Kałuszka, On some distributivity equation related to minitive and maxitive homogeneity of the upper n-Sugeno integral, Fuzzy Sets and Systems (140 pkt.), 430 (2022), 102-113
- Michał Boczek, L. Jin, Marek Kałuszka, The interval-valued Choquet-Sugeno-like operator as a tool for aggregation of interval-valued functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 448 (140 pkt.), JCR, 140 (2022), 35-48
- Marek Balcerzak, Piotr Nowakowski, Michał Popławski, Cutting sets of continuous functions on the unit interval, Indagationes Mathematicae (70 pkt.), 33 (2022), 625-635
- Michał Boczek, Ondrej Hutnik, Marek Kałuszka, Choquet-Sugeno-like operator based on relation and conditional aggregation operators, Information Sciences (200 pkt.), 582 (2022), 1-21
- Jacek Stańdo, Adam Czabański, Żywilla Fechner, Ewa Baum, Karl Andriessen, Karolina Krysińska, Suicide and attempted suicide in Poland before and during the Covid-19 pandemic between 2019 and 2021, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 Volume 19 (140 pkt.), Issue15,8968 (2022),
- David Wetsi Poka, Sergey Shindin, Jacek Banasiak, Explicit solutions to some fragmentation equations with growth or decay, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical (100 pkt.), 55 194001 (2022), pp 33
- Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Jacek Banasiak, On Spectral Gaps of Growth-Fragmentation Semigroups in Higher Moment Spaces, Kinetic and Related Models (100 pkt.), Vol. 15, No. 2 (2022), 147-185
- Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schaettler, Combination of antiangiogenic treatment with chemotherapy as a multi-input optimal control problem, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (100 pkt.), 45 (5) (2022), 3058-3082
- Janusz Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Małgorzata Migda, Asymptotic properties of solutions to discrete Volterra type equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (100 pkt.), 45 (2022), 2674-2684
- Michał Bełdzinski, Marek Galewski, Igor Kossowski, Dependence on parameters for nonlinear equations—Abstract principles and applications, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (100 pkt.), 45 (3) (2022), 1668–1686
- Piotr Juszczyk, Wojciech Kryszewski, Remarks on the infinite‐dimensional counterparts of the Darboux theorem, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (100 pkt.), (2022),
- Marek Galewski, On the Generalization of a Multiplicity Result, Mathematics (20pkt.), 10, 916. (2022),
- Lesław Gajek, Podstawy ubezpieczeń majątkowych, Modele i metody aktuarialne, PWN (80pkt.), 2022
- Jacek Banasiak, Adam Błoch, Telegraph Systems On And Networks And Port-Hamiltonials.II. Network Realizability, Networks and Heterogeneous Media (70 pkt.), Volume 17, Number 1 (2022), 73-99
- Robert Stegliński, Infinitely many solutions for double phase problem with unbounded potential in RN, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications (140 pkt.), 214, art. No. 112580 (2022), 20 pp.
- Aleksander Ćwiszewski, Grzegorz Gabor, Wojciech Kryszewski, Invariance and strict invariance for nonlinear evolution problems with applications, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications (140 pkt.), 218, art. 112756 (2022),
- Krzysztof Leśniak, Nina Snigirva, Filip Strobin, Andrew Vince, Transition phenomena for the attractor of an iterated function system, Nonlinearity (100 pkt.), 35 (10) (2022), pp. 5396-5426
- Robert Stegliński, Notes on applications of the dual fountain theorem to local and nonlocal elliptic equations with variable exponent, Opuscula Math. (70 pkt.), no. 5 (2022), 751–761
- Jacek Stańdo, Gabriela Piechnik-Czyż, Andrzej Adamski, Żywilla Fechner, The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Interest in Prayer and Spirituality in Poland According to Google Trends Data in the CONTEXT of the Mediatisation of Religion Processes, Religions 2022 (100 pkt.), 13, 655 (2022),
- Marek Balcerzak, Paolo Leonetti, Convergent subseries of divergent series, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 (40 pkt.),, 71 (2022), 879-886
- Mateusz Krukowski, Cosine Manifestations of the Gelfand Transform, Results in Mathematics (100 pkt.), 77, art. 83 (2022),
- Szymon Głąb, Przemysław Gordinowicz, On n-saturated closed graphs, Results in Mathematics (100pkt.), 77 (2022) (2022), art. 184
- Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schaettler, The structure of optimal protocols for a mathematical model of chemotherapy with antiangiogenic effects, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (100 pkt.), Vol. 60 No, 2 (2022), 1092-116
- Marek Balcerzak, Olena Karlova, Piotr Szuca, Equi-Baire 1 families of functions, Topology and its Applications (70 pkt.), 305, art. 107900 (2022),
- Marek Balcerzak, Kilka wykładów o funkcjach rzeczywistych., wydanie drugie rozszerzone, Seria: Podręczniki i Skrypty Politechniki Łódzkiej, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022
- Marek Balcerzak, Podstawy teorii ergodycznej, Wydawnictwo PŁ, 2022