The list contain all publications of the staff affiliated or not by Institute of Mathematics Lodz University of Technology.
2023-2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974- Marek Balcerzak, J. Rzepecka, Marczewski sets in the Hashimoto topologies for measure and category, Acta Univ. Carolin. Math. Phys., 39 (1998), 93-97
- Wojciech Kryszewski, Andrzej Szulkin, Generalized linking theorem with an application to a semilinear Schrödinger equation, Adv. Differential Equations, 3 no 3 (1998), 441-472. (JCR)
- Kohr G., Piotr Liczberski, General partial differential subordinations for holomorphic mappings in Cⁿ, Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sec.A, 52 (1998), 113-122
- P. Dolbeaault, Jerzy Kalina, J. Ławrynowicz, Introduction to almost hyperbolic pseudodistances via intermediate dimensional-invariante measures, Ann. Univ. Marie Curie-Skłodowska, LII.1,2, Sectio A (1998),
- Jacek Banasiak, Generation results for B-bounded semigroups, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, (IV), Vol. CLXXIV (1998), 307-323
- Lesław Gajek, B. Mizera-Florczak, Information inequalities for the minimax risk of sequential estimators, Appl. Math., 25 (1998), 85-100
- W. Wilczyński, Stanisław Wroński, Intersections of Topologies, Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź série reserces sur les deformations, 48, série reserces sur les deformations 26 (1998), 5-10
- Gabriela Kohr, Piotr Liczberski, Univalent mappings of several complex variables, Cluj University Press, 1998
- Anna Dębińska-Nagórska, Andrzej Just, Zdzisław Stempień, Analysis and semidiscrete Galerkin approximation of a class of nonlinear parabolic optimal control problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applcations, 35(6) (1998), 95
- Jacek Jachymski, Remarks on a paper by Beg, Latif and Minhas about fixed points, Demonstratio Math., 31 (1998), 333-338
- Dorota Gabor, Wojciech Kryszewski, On the solvability of systems of noncompact and nonconvex inclusions, Differential Equations Dynam. Systems ., 6 no. 4 (1998), 377-403
- Urszula Ledzewicz, S. Walczak, Optimal control of systems governed by elliptic equations, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 5 (2) (1998), 279-290
- Hamada H., Piotr Liczberski, A starlikeness criterion for holomorphic mappings on balanced pseudoconvex domains, Folia Sci. Univ. Techn. Resoviensis, Mat., 22 (1998), 23-27
- Bogdan Przeradzki, Robert Stańczy, Boundary value problems for retarded functional-differential equations, Func. Diff. Equ., 5 (1998), 393-401
- Aleksander Maliszewski, On the insertion of Darboux functions, Fund. Math., 156 (1998), 197-209, JCR
- Kohr G., Piotr Liczberski, Starlike mappings of order alpha on the unit ball in Starlike mappings of order alpha on the unit ball in Cⁿ, Glasnik Math., 53 (1998), 185-198, JCR
- Jan Kubarski, Algebroid nature of the characteristic classes of flat bundles, Homotopy and Geometry, Banach Center Publ., 45 (1998), 199-224
- P. Dolbeaut, Jerzy Kalina, J. Ławrynowicz, Quaternionic - type structures and almost hyperbolic pseudodistances, In: Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Applications, World Scientific Publishing, (1998),
- Jacek Banasiak, Janusz R. Mika, Singularly perturbed telegraph equations with applications in the random walk theory, J. Appl. Math. Stochastic Anal., 11 (1998), 9-28
- Jacek Jachymski, Caristi's fixed point theorem and selections of set-valued contractions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 227 (1998), 55-67, JCR
- Marek Balcerzak, A. Rosłanowski, S. Shelah, Ideals without ccc, J. Symb. Logic, 63 (1998), 128-148, JCR
- Lesław Gajek, T. Rychlik, Projection method for moment bounds on order statistics from restricted families: II Independent case, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 64 (1998), 156-182, JCR
- Piotr Koszmider, On the existence of strong chains in ℘(ω1)/Fin, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 63 (1998),
- Piotr Koszmider, Applications of Rho-functions, rozdział w monografii "Set Theory: Techniques and Applications", (eds. C. Di Prisco, J. Larson, J. Bagaria, A. Mathias), Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dotrecht, 1998, 1998
- Piotr Koszmider, Models as side conditions, rozdział w monografii "Set Theory: Techniques and Applications", (eds. C. Di Prisco, J. Larson, J. Bagaria, A. Mathias), Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dotrecht, 1998, 1998
- Jacek Banasiak, G. Frosali, G. Spiga, Asymptotic analysis for a particle transport equation with inelastic scattering in extended kinetic theory, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 8 (1998), 851-874., JCR
- Aleksander Maliszewski, On the differences of upper semicontinuous quasi-continuous functions, Math. Slovaca, 48 (1998), 245-252, JCR
- Jacek Jachymski, Another proof of the Markov-Kakutani theorem and an extension, Mathematica Japonica, 47 (1998), 19-20
- Piotr Liczberski, Połubiński J., Symmetrical series expansion of complex valued functions, New Zealand J. Math., 27 (1998), 245-253
- Urszula Ledzewicz, H. Schättler, A high order generalization of the Lyusternik theorem, Nonlinear Anal., 34 (6) (1998), 793-815, JCR
- Jacek Jachymski, Fixed point theorems in metric and uniform spaces via the Knaster Tarski Principle, Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, Methods & Applications, 32 (1998), 225-233, JCR
- Aleksander Maliszewski, K. Ciesielski, Cardinal invariants concerning bounded families of extendable and almost continuous functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126 (1998), 471-479, JCR
- Wojciech Kryszewski, On a semilinear Schrödinger equation, Proceedings of the Conference, (Kraków-Przegorzały 1996, Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. No. 36 (1998), 219-222
- Piotr Liczberski, Połubiński J., On the application of (j,k)-symmetrical functions to solving some functional equations, Proceedings of the Fifth Environmental Mathematical Conference Rzeszów -Lublin - Lesko 1998, KUL Lublin 1999, (1998), 89-97
- Jacek Jachymski, Some consequences of the Tarski-Kantorovitch ordering theorem in metric fixed point theory, Quaestiones Mathematicae 21 no. 1&2, 21 (1998), 89-99
- Marek Balcerzak, J. Peredko, Descriptive character of sets of density and I-density points, Real Anal. Exchange, 23 (1998), 131-140
- Artur Bartoszewicz, On density points of subsets of metric space with respect to measure given by Radon-Nikodym derivative, Real Anal. Exchange, 23 (1998), 783-786
- Marek Balcerzak, K. Ciesielski, On the sup-measurable functions problem, Real Anal. Exchange, 23 (1998), 787-797
- Urszula Ledzewicz, H. Schättler, High-order approximations and generalized necessary conditions for optimality, SIAM J. Control Optim., 37 (1) (1998), 33-56
- Marek Kałuszka, On the Devroye-Gyorfi methods of correcting density estimators, Statistics and Probability Letters, 37 (1998), 249-257, JCR
- Wojciech Kryszewski, Graph-approximation of set-valued maps on noncompact domains, Topology Appl., 83 no.1 (1998), 1-21. (JCR)
- Piotr Liczberski, Pułubiński J., J-Symmetrical functions and series in the complex plane, Tr. Petrozawodsk Gos. Univ. s. Mat., 5 (1998), 97-104
- Aleksander Maliszewski, On the averages of Darboux functions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 350 (1998), 2833-2846, JCR
- Jacek Banasiak, Spectral theorems of Voigt type for linear Boltzmann equation with external field, Transport Theory Statist. Phys., 27 (1998), 241-255, JCR
- Wojciech Kryszewski, Fixed points of multivalued mappings, Wiadom. Mat., 34 (1998), 9-30