The list contain all publications of the staff affiliated or not by Institute of Mathematics Lodz University of Technology.
2023-2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974- Wojciech Grudziński, Algebra II, , 2000
- Jacek Banasiak, Stability of linear dynamical systems: modern versions of Lyapunov's theorem or the history of four numbers, (Polish) Wiadom. Mat., 36 (2000), 23-44
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- Jacek Banasiak, B-bounded semigroups and implicit evolution equations, Abstr. Appl. Anal., 5 (2000), 13-32, JCR
- Lesław Gajek, Marek Kałuszka, On the average return rate for a group of investment funds, Acta Univ. Lodz., Folia Oeconomica, 152 (2000), 161-171
- Jacek Banasiak, Diffusion approximation of an inelastic scattering model in linear kinetic theory, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 10 (2000), 375-397
- Piotr Liczberski, V.Starkov, Regularity theorems for linearly invariant family of mappings in Cⁿ, Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sec.A 54 (2000), 61-73
- Andrzej Just, Theoreme d`existence pour un probleme non lineaire de controle et approximation de Galerkin de ce probleme, Annales des Sciences Mathematiques du Quebec, 24(1) (2000), 67-78
- Lesław Gajek, Jacek Jachymski, Piotr Pokarowski, The Tarski-Kantorovitch principle and the theory of iterated function systems, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 61 (2000), 247-261, JCR
- Mariusz Frydrych, Jerzy Kalina, A variational formulae for the norm of Ahlfors operator, Bull. Sci. Math., 48 (2000),
- Marek Balcerzak, U.B. Darji, Some examples of true Fσδ sets, Colloq. Math., 86 (2000), 203-207, JCR
- Lesław Gajek, Andrzej Okolewski, Inequalities for generalized order statistics from some restricted family of distributions, Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 29 (2000), 2427-2438, JCR
- Godula J., Piotr Liczberski, Starkov V., Order of linearly invariant family of mappings in Cⁿ, Complex Variables Th. Appl., 42 (2000), 89-96, JCR
- H.Hamada, G.Kohr, Piotr Liczberski, General partial differential subordinationsfor holomorphic mappings in complex Banach spaces, Demonstratio Math, 33 (2000), 481-487
- H.Hamada, G.Kohr, Piotr Liczberski, On some sufficient conditions for univalence in complex Banach spaces, Demonstratio Math, 33 (2000), 289-294
- Lesław Gajek, D. Zagrodny, Insurer's optimal reinsurance strategies, Insurance Math. Econom., 27 (2000), 105-112, JCR
- Piotr Koszmider, On Strong Chains of uncountable functions, Israel J. Math., 118 (2000), 289-315, JCR
- Jacek Banasiak, The existence of moments of solutions to transport equations with inelastic scattering and their application in the asymptotic analysis, J. Appl. Anal., 6 (2000), 187-211
- Jacek Banasiak, G. Frosali, G. Spiga, Inelastic scattering models in transport theory and their small mean free path analysis, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 23 (2000), 121-145, JCR
- Jacek Banasiak, On a diffusion-kinetic equation arising in extended kinetic theory, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 23 (2000), 1237-1256, JCR
- Jacek Banasiak, Mathematical properties of inelastic scattering models in linear kinetic theory, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 10 (2000), 163-186, JCR
- Lesław Gajek, Andrzej Okolewski, Sharp bounds on moments of generalized order statistics, Metrika, 52 (2000), 27-43, JCR
- Anna Dębińska-Nagórska, Andrzej Just, Zdzisław Stempień, Analysis and semidiscrete Galerkin approximation of a class of nonlinear hyperbolic optimal control problems, Optimization, 48 (2000), 177-190
- Jan Kubarski, Connections in regular Poisson manifolds over R-Lie foliations, Poisson Geometry. Stanisław Zakrzewski in memoriam, Banach Center Publ., 51 (2000), 141-149
- P. Muldowney, Wojciech Wojdowski, Non-absolute integration in Black-Scholes pricing, Proceedings of AMS Special Session on Nonabsolute Integration, 2000, (2000),
- Jacek Banasiak, B-bounded semigroups, existence families and implicit evolution equations, Proceedings Semigroups of operators: theory and applications (Newport Beach, CA, 1998), Birkhäuser, Basel, 42 (2000), 25-34
- Wojciech Wojdowski, Continuity in terms of functional convergence, Real Anal. Exchange, 25 (2000), 1-10
- Marek Balcerzak, J. Peredko, Descriptive character of sets of density and I-density points, Real Anal. Exchange, 25 (2000), 493-496
- Stanisław Wroński, On a family of functions defined by the boundary operator, Real Anal. Exchange, 25 (2000), 359-362
- Robert Stegliński, Quotient groups of normed spaces for which the Bochner theorem fails completely, Research and Exposition in Mathematics, 24 (2000), 217-225
- Urszula Ledzewicz, H. Schättler, A high-order generalized local Maximum principle, SIAM J. Control Optim., 38 (3) (2000), 823-855
- Marek Balcerzak, K. Ciesielski, D. Rogowska, Remark on meager Σ02-supported σ-ideals on the real line, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 19 (2000), 187-191
- Dorota Gabor, Wojciech Kryszewski, A coincidence theory involving Fredholm operators of nonnegative index. Dedicated to Juliusz Schauder 1899-1943, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 15 no.1 (2000), 43-59. (JCR)
- Jacek Jachymski, A short proof of the converse to the Contraction Principle, and some related results, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 15 (2000), 179-186, JCR