The list contain all publications of the staff affiliated or not by Institute of Mathematics Lodz University of Technology.
2023-2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974- Żywilla Fechner, László Székelyhidi, Spherical and moment functions on the affine group of SU(n), Acta Mathematica Hungarica (40 pkt.), 157 (1) (2019), 10–26
- Jacek Banasiak, Analytic fragmentation semigroups and classical solutions to coagulation--fragmentation equations - a survey, Acta Mathematica Sinica - (English Series) (70 pkt.), 35 (1) (2019), 83-104, JCR
- Żywilla Fechner, László Székelyhidi, Functional equations for exponential polynomials, Aequationes Mathematicae (70 pkt.), 93 (3) (2019), 535-545
- Katarzyna Chrząszcz, Jacek Jachymski, Filip Turoboś, Two refinements of Frink's metrization theorem and fixed point results for Lipschitzian mappings on quasimetric spaces, Aequationes Mathematicae (70 pkt.), 93 (2019), 277-297, JCR
- Bartłomiej Kluczyński, On the existence and uniqueness of solution to Volterra equation on a time scale, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Ser. Mat. 27 (40 pkt.), no.3 (2019), 177-194
- Żywilla Fechner, László Székelyhidi, Functional equations on an infinite hypergroup join, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp. (5 pkt.), 49 (2019), 179–185
- Jacek Banasiak, Logarithmic norms and regular perturbations of differential equations, ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS MARIAE CURIE - SKŁODOWSKA LUBLIN – POLONIA, 73 (2) (2019), 5-19
- Janusz Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Asymptotic properties of solutions to difference equations of Sturm-Liouville type, Applied Mathematics and Computation (100 pkt.), 340 (2019), 126-137, JCR
- Stanisław Migórski, Piotr Gamorski, Variational-hemivariational inequality for a class of dynamic nonsmooth frictional contact problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation (100 pkt.), 346 (2019), 465-479
- Aleksander Ćwiszewski, Wojciech Kryszewski, Bifurcation from infinity for elliptic problems on RN, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (200 pkt.), 58 (1) (2019), 1-23
- Marta Frankowska, Szymon Głąb, On some σ-ideal without ccc, Colloquium Mathematicum (70 pkt.), 158 (1) (2019), 127–140
- Robert Stegliński, A global diffeomorphism theorem and a unique weak solution of Dirichlet problem, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations (70 pkt.), 64 (8) (2019), 1285–1296
- Maciej Leszczyński, Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schättler, Optimal control for a mathematical model for anti-angiogenic treatment with Michaelis-Menten pharmacodynamics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (100 pkt.), 24 (5) (2019), 2315–2334
- Małgorzata Terepeta, Ryszard J. Pawlak, Anna Loranty, On almost continuous functions and peculiar points, European Journal of Mathematics, 5 (2019), 106-115
- Marek Galewski, Luca Vilasi, Saddle-point solutions to Dirichlet problems on the Sierpinski gasket, Expositiones Mathematicae (70 pkt.), 37 (2019), 485–497
- P. Kubiak, P. Mierzejewska, Mateusz Krukowski, Nonlinear methods of vehicle velocity determination based on inverse systems and tensor products of Legendre polynomials, Forensic Science International (100 pkt.), 295 (2019), 19-29, JCR
- Szymon Głąb, Przemysław Gordinowicz, Filip Strobin, Dense free subgroups of automorphism groups of homogeneous partially ordered sets, Forum Mathematicum (100 pkt.), 31 (1) (2019), 215-240, JCR
- Bogdan Balcerzak, On the Dirac Type Operators on Symmetric Tensors, Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVI. Trends in Mathematics., Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2019), 215-222
- Marek Balcerzak, Tomasz Filipczak, Piotr Nowakowski, Families of symmetric Cantor sets from the category and measure viewpoints, Georgian Mathematical Journal (40 pkt.), 26 (4) (2019), 545–553
- Małgorzata Terepeta, Lech Maligranda, Izabela Jóźwik, Stefan Kempisty (1892-1940), Historia Mathematica (2019), 2019 (2019), 1525-1534
- Michał Baczyński, Włodzimierz Fechner, Sebastia Massanet, A Functional Equation Stemming from a Characterization of Power-based Implications, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) (140 pkt.), (2019),
- Michał Boczek, Anton Hovana, Ondrej Hutník, General Chebyshev Type Inequality for Seminormed Fuzzy Integral, In: Torra V., Narukawa Y., Pasi G., Viviani M. (eds) Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. MDAI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer (70 pkt.), vol.11676 (2019),
- Michał Boczek, Marek Kałuszka, Sharp bounds of Jensen type for the generalized Sugeno integral, Information Sciences (200 pkt.), 481 (2019), 463-473, JCR
- Michał Boczek, Anton Hovana, Ondrej Hutník, General form of Chebyshev type inequality for generalized Sugeno integral, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (140 pkt.), 115 (2019), 1-12
- Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schättler, On the role of pharmacometrics and the objective in optimizing cancer therapies, Investigacion Operacional (20 pkt.), 40 (1) (2019), 3–15
- Renata Długosz, Piotr Liczberski, An application of hypergeometric functions to a construction in several complex variables, Journal d'Analyse Mathématique (100 pkt.), 137 (2019), 707-721, JCR, DOI 10.1007/s11854-019-0012-z
- Jacek Banasiak, L.O. Joel, S. Shindin, Discrete growth-decay-fragmentation equation: well-posedness and long-term dynamics, Journal of Evolution Equations (100 pkt.), 19 (3) (2019), 771-802,JCR
- Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska, Mirosława Zima, A topological degree approach to a nonlocal Neumann problem for a system at resonance, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications (100 pkt.), 21 (2) (2019), 1-14, JCR
- Jacek Banasiak, M.S. Seuneu Tchamga, Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska, Canard solutions in equations with backward bifurcations of the quasi-steady state manifold, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (70 pkt.), 471 (2019), 776-795, JCR
- Adam Kwela, Michał Popławski, Jarosław Swaczyna, Jacek Tryba, Properties of simple density ideals, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (70 pkt.), 477 (1) (2019), 551-575
- Małgorzata Filipczak, Tomasz Filipczak, Rafał Knapik, Sets with Steinhaus and Smital properties, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (70 pkt.), 472 (1) (2019), 1167-1174, JCR
- Urszula Ledzewicz, Helmut Maurer, Heinz Schättler, Optimal combined radio- and anti-angiogenic cancer therapy, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (70 pkt.), 180 (1) (2019), 321–340
- Gideon A.Ngwa, Miranda I.Teboh-Nwungkem, Yves Dumontc, Rachid Ouifki, Jacek Banasiak, On a three-stage structured model for the dynamics of malaria transmission with human treatment, adult vector demographics and one aquatic stage, Journal of Theoretical Biology (70 pkt.), 481 (2019), 202-222, JCR
- Jacek Banasiak, L.O. Joel, S. Shindin, The Discrete Unbounded Coagulation-Fragmentation Equation with Growth, Decay and Sedimentation, Kinetic and Related Models (100 pkt.), (2019),
- Jean Mawhin, Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska, Bound sets and two-point boundary value problems for second order differential systems, Mathematica Bohemica (40 pkt.), 144 (4) (2019), 373-392
- Jacek Banasiak, Aleksandra Falkiewicz, Transport on Networks—A Playground of Continuous and Discrete Mathematics in Population Dynamics, Mathematics Applied to Engineering, Modelling, and Social Issues, in: Frank T. Smith, Hemen Dutta and John N. Mordeson (eds), Springer, Cham, ISBN: Print 978-3-030-12231-7, ISBN: Print 978-3-030-12231-7 (2019), 439-487
- Michał Bełdzinski, Marek Galewski, On the Existence and Uniqueness of Dirichlet Problems on a Positive Half-Line, Minimax Theory and its Applications (70 pkt.), 4 (1) (2019), 055--069
- Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schättler, Shuo Wang, On the role of tumor heterogeneity for optimal cancer chemotherapy, Networks and Heterogeneous Media (70 pkt.), 14 (1) (2019), 131–147
- Stanisław Migórski, Piotr Gamorski, A new class of quasistatic frictional contact problems governed by a variational-hemivariational inequality, Nonlinear Analysis - Real World Applications (100 pkt.), 50 (2019), 583 - 602
- Marek Galewski, On the Application of Monotonicity Methods to the Boundary Value Problems on the Sierpinski Gasket, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (70 pkt.), 40 (11) (2019), 1344-1354, JCR
- Ewa Skrzypek, Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska, On the Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces on a time-scale, Opuscula Mathematica (70 pkt.), 39 (5) (2019), 705-731
- Michał Bełdzinski, Marek Galewski, On unique solvability of a Dirichlet problem with nonlinearity depending on the derivative, Opuscula Mathematica (70 pkt.), 39 (2) (2019), 131-144
- Włodzimierz Fechner, Richard’s inequality, Cauchy-Schwarz’s inequality and approximate solutions of Sincov’s equation, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (100 pkt.), 147 (2019), 3955-3960
- Marek Balcerzak, Michał Popławski, Artur Wachowicz, Ideal convergent subseries in Banach spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae (40 pkt.), 42 (6) (2019), 765-779, JCR
- Jakub Walczak, Tadeusz Poreda, Adam Wojciechowski, Effective Planar Cluster Detection in Point Clouds Using Histogram-Driven Kd-Like Partition and Shifted Mahalanobis Distance Based Regression, Remote Sensing (100 pkt.), 11 (21) (2019), 1-25
- Jean Mawhin, Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska, Convexity, topology and nonlinear differential systems with nonlocal boundary conditions: a survey, Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste (20 pkt.), 51 (2019), 125–166
- Żywilla Fechner, László Székelyhidi, Moment Functions on Affine Groups, Results in Mathematics (100 pkt.), 74 (1) (2019),, art.5
- Marek Galewski, On the Mountain Pass Solutions to Boundary Value Problems on the Sierpinski Gasket, Results in Mathematics (100 pkt.), 74 (4) (2019), 1-13
- Małgorzata Terepeta, On separating axioms and similarity of soft topological spaces, Soft Computing 23, Issue3 (2019), 1049-1057 (70p.)
- Łukasz Maślanka, Filip Strobin, Zero-dimensional compact metrizable spaces as attractors of generalized iterated function systems, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis (100 pkt.), 53 (1) (2019), 363-403, JCR
- Marek Balcerzak, Paolo Leonetti, On the relationship between ideal cluster points and ideal limit points, Topology and its Applications (70 pkt.), 252 (2019), 178-190, JCR
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Uncountably many nonoscillatory bounded solutions to second-order nonlinear neutral dynamic equations, Turkish Journal of Mathematics (40 pkt.), 43 (2019), 1699-1711, JCR
- Małgorzata Terepeta, Izabela Jóźwik, Polskie spojrzenie na twierdzenie Riemanna o tasowaniu, Wiadomości Matematyczne 55, 1 (2019), 143-157
- Marek Balcerzak, Kilka wykładów o funkcjach rzeczywistych, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2019
- Grzegorz Andrzejczak, Analiza I - Materiał do wykładu, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, ISBN 978-83-7283-984-8,, 2019